Performance Max

The Evolution of Google Ads: Changes in 2023-2024

The Evolution of Google Ads: Changes in 2023-2024

There were 38 product announcements from Google Ads in 2023, plus numerous other changes communicated via email and the ads liaison. This flux is what makes the current era of digital advertising one of the busiest and most exciting times to be a PPC professional—but also one of the most frustrating, especially if you don’t […]

How Audience Signals & Targeting Works on Performance Max

How Audience Signals & Targeting Works on Performance Max

Performance Max combines the full funnel into ONE campaign. The working theory is that as you raise bids and budgets, the algorithm needs to do more upper-funnel prospecting as a percentage of the total spend/visits. So let’s understand who the campaign might be targeting: 1️⃣ Top-Funnel Prospecting on – YouTube 📺 – Gmail 📨 – […]