4 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make for Your Ecommerce Business for 2023 

New Year’s is a time to set goals and embark on new habits and routines. It’s not just about your personal health and wellbeing, it’s also an opportunity to improve your business practices as well. If you run an ecommerce company or sell any types of products or services online, now is the opportunity to make sure you will be ready to make the most of 2023. 

With clearly articulated goals and a solid plan of action, you can make significant progress with your business in the new year. Don’t just settle for tiny gains – dream big and define the steps to get there. You might just surprise yourself with all the revenue and increased job satisfaction you’ll attain by this time next year.

To ensure 2023 will be your best year in business yet, here are 4 New Year’s resolutions you should make: 

1. Deepen Your Customer Relationships

When setting goals for the New Year, be sure to have a mixture of both outcome and process goals.

Although all companies want to reach and sustain high levels of customer satisfaction, it’s not enough to just establish numerical targets, such 98% positive reviews, which would be an outcome goal. It’s helpful to also create routines around a process goal.

For example, you might make a specific commitment to deepen your relationships with customers. Don’t let this be a mere abstraction, but instead create a new process-oriented habit to get to know your customers better. For instance, you could commit to reach out to 3 existing customer every week and offer a special gift or discount in exchange for conducting a customer interview.

2. Reply Quick

One of the best ways a lean, nimble ecommerce startup or small business online can compete with larger companies is to improve the customer experience.

You might not have a massive customer service department, but with today’s technology, you can still be sure to quickly address your customers’ questions and inquiries. Recent research shows that the average email response time for businesses is 12 hours and 10 minutes – surely your business can do better than that! By balancing automation with a human touch, make a commitment to reply to each customer in under 12 hours, if not sooner.

3. Streamline Your Delivery Process JXT Group

Amazon reached its behemoth state in part by setting a new standard for shipping, because they knew that customers would always appreciate receiving their orders faster. In fact, many customers now expect to receive their deliveries in just 2-3 days when they purchase online.

Whether you sell products or services via the internet, make 2023 be the year you streamline your own delivery process. While you may not compete with Amazon, you can still make your customers happy by delivering as quickly as possible. Figure out how to either reduce steps or speed up the time to process orders. 

4. Make Your Marketing Truly Engaging

With all the buzz surrounding the hottest digital marketing trends for 2023, don’t forget that the best marketing involves the timeless pursuit to reach emotions and create authentic audience engagement.

Do you have a wide-ranging understanding of your customers’ deep desires and drives? Even if you have the best product or service in your market, you will lose online sales if you can’t show via digital means how it will make buyers happy. Don’t forget, there are real people on the other side of the screen – your job is to connect with their hearts and minds by making the most of the available digital tools.

Will 2023 be the year you finally take your ecommerce business to the next level? If you’re serious about your business future, let JXT Group help make sure your digital marketing and social media marketing is on point for all the latest technology trends as well as building genuine human connection. 

If you’re ready to learn more, you can give us a quick call at 718-690-7302 or reach out online via our inquiry form and we’ll make plans to talk soon!

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.