4 Social Media Marketing Lessons Your Business Should Have Learned in 2021

As we enter into 2022, it’s a good time to reflect on the previous year and consider changes that can improve future business outcomes. We are certainly now living in a “new normal” when it comes to social media marketing in our post-pandemic world.

Social media now has an undeniable impact on all aspects of the customer journey process, from finding and attracting new ideal customers to encouraging long-term brand loyalty. You want to make sure your social presence will support your entire online sales funnel.

If you haven’t yet, here are 4 lessons from 2021 your business should have adopted for your social media marketing strategy. Let’s make sure 2022 will be your best year yet!

1. Leverage Partnerships

One of the most effective ways to increase your social media reach is to partner with influencers who already have an active, engaged social media following. In fact, nearly 2/3 of major US marketers utilized influencer partnerships in 2021.

In order to make the most of your potential partnerships, consider seeking out “micro” or “nano” influencers who have fewer followers overall, but more interest and engagement from exactly the type of audience you too wish to attract. “Specialized influencers” are predicted to continue increasing in impact in 2022.

2. Experiment with Multiple Platforms

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Many social media “gurus” will advise you focus on just one platform until you master it. While there might be some wisdom to taking the time to understand how to maximize a platform, you will reduce the odds of connecting with your target audience if you only appear on one platform. 

This is especially true if your ideal customers themselves are spending time on a variety of platforms. You might even be able to cross-promote content, especially if you modify your posts to meet the demands of different platforms. For example, a popular post on Instagram Stories might translate well to TikTok.

(If your brand is not yet on TikTok, you might want to try to capitalize on its recent explosive growth, especially if your brand wants to engage a younger demographic.)

4. Take a Stand

More than ever before, customers care about supporting brands that share and promote their own personal values. As authenticity becomes ever more highly valued in the marketplace, it can benefit your brand to take a stand, even on polarizing topics.

Especially if you can identify an otherwise controversial or hot-button topic that will animate the majority of your supporters, you can improve your customer loyalty by taking a public stand. A good polarizing message will repel the wrong people while increasing the devotion – and perhaps even fanaticism – of your most loyal customer base. 

5. Stay Nimble

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One of the best things that can happen for your brand online is to have a post go viral. While it’s impossible to predict exactly when your brand might experience a viral moment, it’s important for your business to be quickly adaptable so that you’ll be able to maximize the moment when it comes.

For example, you might take a cue from The Gap, which recently re-released an old sweatshirt design after a viral TikTok moment.  Or, Dollar Shave Club, which shifted its media messaging focus to more customer retention once it gained traction from its viral moment. 

Be sure to check your hashtags or keywords, or determine why your post might have gone viral so you can quickly update your social media strategy accordingly. Also, be sure you’ll have enough potential help on hand to respond and interact with your new influx of followers and customers 

Are you ready to optimize your social media marketing for 2022? JXT Group can help you plan and execute a highly effective strategy that will be customized you your business’s needs and goals. To learn more, give us a call at 718-690-730 or fill out our online form.

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.