5 Facebook Marketing Trends in 2020 Your Business Needs to Know

Since Facebook began running Facebook Ads in 2007, marketing strategies for the platform have continually evolved to incorporate new technologies and meet the changing needs and demands of consumers and advertisers. In 2020, Facebook continues to be a powerhouse player in the digital marketing space, but it’s important for businesses to keep up with the latest trends.

For small businesses, Facebook marketing can help level the playing field, as you can take advantage of the same audience and targeting strategies as big companies, but in a way that fits your budget and particular niche.

In 2020, Facebook is reported to reach 1.73 billion daily users, up to 60.6% of all internet users – this means your desired audience is undoubtedly on Facebook. The question is: how can you effectively cut through the noise to reach them?

Here are five trending Facebook marketing strategies that are working in 2020 that your business ought to know:

1. Video Marketing

One change that’s come with the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of video conferencing is that digital video is now ubiquitous.

Video marketing has always been powerful as a medium to grab and hold attention, appealing to multiple sensory modalities and emotional mechanisms at once – now with the ease of current technology, there’s no excuse NOT to use video marketing as part of your strategy.

Between video posts, live streams, stories, and ads, videos on Facebook reach 8 billion views every day. Interestingly, one recent case study shows that square videos get up to 35% more views than landscape videos, which means videos you easily make right on your phone could be even more effective than those made with fancier production.

Facebook2. Chatbot Marketing

People are online 24/7, but chances are your customer service team is not. However, today you can satisfy customers’ desire for an immediate response by using chatbots.

Chatbots are especially effective for Facebook Messenger marketing, as you can immediately engage in real-time conversation with customers and potential customers whenever it is best for them to engage. Chatbots can also be used to suggest new offerings and help customers remember their buying history.

3. Personalization

Statistics show that 80% of buyers are more likely to purchase from businesses that offer a more personalized experience. After all, everyone wants to feel that they are understood and appreciated as a unique person, not just a number.

There are many ways to add a personal touch to your Facebook marketing campaigns. You can personalize messages, product recommendations, and content based on gathered data. With automation tools, it’s easier than ever to reach a customer wherever they are at in the customer journey, significantly improving your conversion rate.

4. Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories is becoming one of the most popular ways to reach younger consumers. It’s an opportunity to provide updates to your audience in real time. You create a quick 20 second video on your smartphone, upload it immediately, and 24 hours later the story will be automatically deleted (unless you choose to save your content).

With Facebook Stories you can help humanize your brand online by sharing micro moments that give a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the day and life of the people behind your brand. Be sure to add location tags, stickers and filters, as these have been demonstrated to boost engagement.

Facebook5. The Integration of Social Media and E-Commerce

One of the biggest emerging marketing trends is the integration of social media with e-commerce, making it possible for consumers to buy directly through social media posts.

Facebook Marketplace makes it possible to buy and sell both new and used items from local users and businesses, all without having to leaving Facebook’s platform. Businesses can use Facebook Marketplace to increase brand awareness, leverage Facebook’s personalization data, test out new products, and build greater rapport and trust with customers.

Want to add strategic Facebook marketing to your digital marketing campaign? Find out more about which strategies will work best for your business by speaking with a member of our team at 718-690-7302. Or you can reach us via our online contact form.

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.

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