4 Cutting-Edge Ecommerce Strategies to Boost Your Business This Year 

We’ve now passed the hype of the new year, and if you’re wondering what strategies are really proving effective for ecommerce in 2022, we’ve got some suggestions.

Based on the research that is coming in, 2022 is shaping up to be a year where a focus on engagement, connection, speed, and influence can make all the difference for the growth of your business.

Ultimately, each business is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy that applies to every ecommerce initiative. However, if you’re looking for some quick-wins, here are 4 cutting-edge, simple-to-implement ecommerce strategies that might help your business this year:

1. Update Your Google Merchant Center

It may not yet be Spring, but now is a perfect time to clean-up your Google Merchant Center, especially if you set-up your product feeds months or even years ago. Many companies optimize their feeds for the end-of-year holiday rush, but then don’t make adjustments once the new year is underway.

You don’t want to be wasting your budget and time on ads or other traffic-generating strategies, only to have potential customers discover that your products are out of stock. Schedule some time to review your product feeds and make sure you’re displaying up-to-date product listings.

If you’re in the U.S., don’t forget you can set up free listings on Google Shopping. Though paid listings are what appear in ad slots, Google now helps out users by having free listings in its Shopping tab so they can see the widest variety of what’s available. Make sure your ideal customers will find you there!  

2. Speed Up Your SEO Results JXT Group

You probably know that publishing content that ranks high in SEO is a prime strategy for bringing quality traffic to your website. However, there can often be a significant time lag between publication and results.

However, the search engines Bing and Yandex have recently launched a new free ping service, IndexNow, that helps search engines process new website content so that any change you make to your website will show up faster in the search results. 

Although Google may still be the reigning “king of search”, Microsoft Bing’s share of the market has been increasing since 2019.  Plus, recent reports reveal Google is testing IndexNow, so your business might be wise to stay on top of this trend.  

3. Optimize Your Influencers

Influencer marketing is continuing to rise in 2022 – in fact, projections show brands will spend $15 billion on influencer marketing this year.

One expected shift is for influencers to control the entire online marketing funnel as more social media platforms integrate shopping tools directly into their apps so that customers will be able to purchase straight from an influencer’s account. Instagram recently announced it is testing a new tool that will allow influencers to earn commissions for purchases made through its app.

If you haven’t yet, now is the time for your ecommerce business to develop and optimize relationships with influencers that can drive online sales for your brand. You might want to work with a niche influencer who’s already built an engaged following with your target customers.

4. Grow & Analyze Your Email List JXT Group

In 2021, Google announced it would be removing its support for third-party cookies in Chrome, a change that is bound to have effects in 2022 as digital marketers have often relied on these cookies to track and manage digital marketing campaigns.

One way your business can adjust to this shift is to put more emphasis on developing and nurturing your direct connection with customers. Instead of relying on third-party data, you can gather you own data by growing your own proprietary email list and segmenting that list for analysis. 

For example, you might want to offer special discounts or exclusive content to customers who sign up for your email list, and then track and analyze how they interact with your content and sales promotions.

Are you ready to optimize your ecommerce marketing strategies for 2022? To find out more about cutting-edge digital marketing strategies that can be customized to your business, schedule a call with our expert team here at JXT Group. Just give us a call at 718-690-730 or submit your inquiry via our online form.

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.