How to Use Instagram Video to Best Promote Your Business: Reels Vs. IGTV Vs. Stories

The latest buzz regarding Instagram is that the world-renowned “photo-sharing app” is now positioning itself to become a video and entertainment platform. 

This means that if your business wants to stay ahead of the curve, it’s time to transition your social media marketing on Instagram to go beyond just square photos to also include video content. Instagram is eagerly going head-to-head with competitors YouTube and TikTok, and is now prioritizing video over photos – so if you want to stay relevant on the platform, make sure videos are part of your marketing strategy.

On Instagram, there are now 3 different ways to publish different kinds of video content: Reels, IGTV, and Stories. Here’s what you need to know to succeed with each of the 3 different formats:

1. New Instagram Reels JXT Group

Reels are the new player to the Instagram video ecosystem. Essentially, they are Instagram’s version of TikTok-style short videos. Reels can be as long as 60 seconds, but typically they fall within the 15-30 second range.

From the app, Instagram makes it easy (and desirable) to add all sorts of edits to your Reels. There are on-screen buttons to add music, filters, and all sorts of effects to make your video content pop.

Even though the content is super short, currently Reels have the longest lifespan of video content on Instagram. As they’re new, Reels have been getting a lot of attention recently and the Instagram algorithm could pick up yours at any time, so this may be your best way to get discovered on the platform by new prospects.

2. IGTV JXT Group

IGTV is the format for showcasing long, high-quality videos. Your IGTV content can be up to 60 minutes long if you upload it via the web. Think of IGTV as Instagram’s version of YouTube. It’s the perfect place for highly-edited, TV-quality, in-depth content.

For businesses, IGTV is the perfect format to showcase how-to content or educational videos. You could also use this format to feature long-form interviews. Some businesses are using IGTV to create the equivalent of “video podcasts” to promote their brands.

It’s important to know that, right now, one of the downsides of IGTV is that it doesn’t (yet) function like search engine the way YouTube does. Typically, the only easy way to find IGTV content is through a brand’s existing Instagram profile.

This means that if you already have a significant following on Instagram and want to engage with your audience in a more in-depth way, IGTV could be the perfect option for your business.

3. Instagram Stories JXT Group

Stories on Instagram are kind of like if Snapchat and Facebook Live had a love child. Technically, they don’t even have to be exclusively video content, as you can also incorporate static images, stickers, and text.

Instagram Stories are the most interactive format on the platform – you can create polls, embed posts, and solicit audience feedback. And you can go live and have real-time interactions with Users. Instagram Stories, however, are also the most fleeting as they only last for 24 hours (unless you post them as “Highlights” on your profile).

Another advantage of Instagram Stories is that they are quickly discoverable as they get their own tab at the top of the app and are also featured in searches. So if you have some up-to-the minute new to share that your audience needs to hear about NOW, Stories could be your ideal format.

Are you interested in leveraging the power of video to boost your brand presence and engagement on Instagram? If so, our team of experts in Instagram social media marketing here at JXT Group can help! To learn more about strategies we would recommend for your business, just give us a call at 718-690-7302 or fill out our online contact form today.

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.