Important Instagram Marketing Statistics for 2021 That Your Business Needs to Know

Instagram marketing has emerged as one of the most important digital marketing tools for businesses today due to the growing popularity of the platform.

Instagram comes out with new features regularly so that brands can make the most of the platform. If you know some of the leading Instagram marketing statistics for 2021, it can help you tailor your online marketing strategy and make the most of the platform. So, here are some important Instagram marketing statistics that can help your business thrive in 2021:

70% of Instagram users discover new products on the platform

Unlike other social media platforms, the primary use of Instagram isn’t just to connect with family and friends. Instagram Shopping allows users to discover new products based on their past behaviors. It also makes shopping easier for users by allowing them to make purchases without having to leave the platform.

The Explore Tab is used by over 50% of users each month

The Explore Tab on Instagram personalizes the content for each user based on their data and past behaviors. With more than 200 million daily active users checking out the Explore Tab on Instagram, investing in strategies that help your content appear on the Explore Tab is a good idea.

69% of marketers allocate their marketing budget for influencer marketing

Influencer marketing works because influencers have already established themselves as authority figures in a particular area. If you pick the right influencer who resonates with the message of your brand, you will be able to reach out to their audience and create a favorable impression for your business.

Did you know that 87% of users are inspired to purchase products via influencer marketing? If your business hasn’t tried this strategy yet, what are you waiting for?

47% of Instagram users want brands to take a stand on social and political issues on social media JXT Group

67% of these consumers report feeling that brands have immense power to bring about social change. Brand credibility is only boosted in the eyes of consumers if the issue affects either business operations (36%) or the brand’s direct customers (37%).

In our age of the conscious consumer, brands simply can’t afford to remain silent on social and political issues. The key to establishing brand credibility, though, is to understand your audience first. While 36% of users are more likely to purchase from a brand whose views align with theirs, 55% will boycott companies that support issues that aren’t in alignment with their views.

The bigger the brand, the more the Video Stories

Brands with above 100K followers on Instagram post 44.95% of image-based stories and 55.05% of video stories. Brands that have less than 5000 followers tend to post 50.08% image-based stories and 49.92% video stories. Stories are great ways to show off your personality, post some behind-the-scenes footage, or even generate hype around a new product launch.

60% of businesses that post Stories on Instagram make it interactive by adding hashtags, poll stickers, or mentions in the Story. Interactive content on Stories will make users feel like they can actively participate and can instantly establish a stronger connection with your audience.

Also, as more and more people are binge-watching video content, especially because of the pandemic, 70% of marketers want to invest more in creating video content.

Photos with faces get 38% more likes than those without

This could have something to do with the fact that faces are effective in showing off your brand’s personality and can help to create a more personal connection with your audience.

90% of Instagram users follow at least one business account

Users are actively seeking out brands that they can connect with on Instagram. This is good news because it gives you the opportunity to be that brand worth following. By connecting with your audience and creating a strong brand identity, you can create an impact on the minds of your followers and grow

your following on the platform.

Are you interested in improving your brand presence and social media marketing on Instagram? If so, our expert team here at JXT Group can help! To learn more about recommended strategies for your unique brand, give us a call at 718-690-7302 during Eastern Time business hours or fill out our online contact form right now!

Ian Bowne ()

Ian Bowne is a marketing ninja who grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Sacred Heart University. In his spare time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, surfing, and going for long walks on the beach.